Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Art Class 2020

What a year!  2020 has been challenging us to be creative, and that's a silver lining to art teachers everywhere.  We are all having to try new things and to think outside the box.  I look forward to interacting with students again through making art.  I miss everyone, and I can't wait to start drawing and painting with you.  I have created a "classroom" to provide easy access to everything you need.  In one place you will find:

A Video Introducing Your TWO!!! Art Teachers 😀


Portfolios (for turning in art and writing about art) ✅

A ZOOM link for class 💻

Videos With Advice 🤓

Videos With Read-Aloud 📚

Links to Resources 👏

If you have been in my classroom at Prescott, you will notice I tried to make the room look familiar.  Assignments are on the board, work gets stored in the file drawers, and there's a random cow's skull by the rainbow clock!  

My plan is:  You can access your assignment on Monday.  It is due by Friday.  This is JUST LIKE it was in the Spring.  The difference is that we will meet daily on Zoom.  You will see the Zoom link for class on my "laptop" (in the center of my Bitmoji Classroom) on Monday.  You need to log in and join class on time so that you will be counted as present.  You have Art every day at the same time.  If you do not know when this is, check your schedule!  


Ms. Sopheia  9:00

Ms. Gow  11:45  

Mrs. Page  12:45

Mrs. Barajas  1:45

Mrs. Blundy  2:45

The Zoom meetings will help us stay in touch, and I will be able to help you when you need me to.  

Each day, we will meet and do a fun, group activity.  We will then go over some of the lesson goals, practice some skills that you need to use to do the lesson, or look at an artist who does something similar to what you are doing.   You will have a chance to ask questions.  

Each day, 5-6 students will stay in Zoom after the lesson, and they will have what I am calling "table group time".  In this small group, we will look at your work, discuss art, and ask each other questions.  You will have table group time ONE day each week.  If you do not have table group time, you have independent work time for the rest of the hour.  

I hope this routine will keep things easy for us so we can focus on the fun.  I miss art!

Explore the Links Here!

Ms. Ammons's Bitmoji Classroom

Short "How To" Video


  1. Thanks for the clear and detailed explanation of how Art class will be presented this year, Ms. Ammons. Gavin & Jackson (6A) look forward to participating. For “table group time” will individual students remain in the same groupings—and will that group’s day for table time remain consistent throughout the quarter? Just curious.

    1. That is what I have planned for now because I think consistent is good as we get used to all of this. I do reserve the right to adjust the groups as the quarter progresses. It will be helpful to group students based on themes in their work or if I want to help certain students with more specific goals. The idea is that I can provide more individualized support with smaller groups. :)

  2. Thank you so much for all this. We will be reorganizing Caitlyn's Art area with your recommendations tomorrow. Thank you again for all the amazing art projects from the spring as well. We were able to follow your website to get ideas for Art projects over the summer and currently our apartment hallway has featured Caitlyn's artwork for the residents to enjoy. Looking forward to adding more. -Susan

  3. Thank you! This looks wonderful. The small group is fantastic.


Stormy Seas Ahead

Rembrandt's Stolen Work, Christ in the Storm on the Sea of Galilee  My favorite new project this year was one I came up with when I was...