Sunday, September 6, 2020

Identity Portraits

Click here for Lesson Info 

Welcome Back!

We will begin this school year with a project that will help us get to know each other.  You can review the project on your own by clicking the "Lesson Info" link above, but we will go over the steps here and in our Zoom meetings as well.  

Art is a great way to tell others about yourself.  When we look at art, we learn a lot about the artist by thinking about the choices they make as they create their work.  


A video message from Ms. Ammons!

Day 1:  Watch the video first!  Begin your work by thinking about what you would like to tell people about yourself.  On a scrap paper, list 10 things about YOU that make you unique.  Here are 5 suggestions to get you started:  

  • How do you spend your time? 
  • What is your family like? 
  • What goals do you have for your future? 
  • What is something no one knows about you?
  • What is something EVERYONE knows about you?
Think about what you will tell others through your work. 

Day 2:  Next, Review the proportions of the face.  We learned this in 4th grade.  The eyes are in the middle!  Sketch a LIGHT template, and then begin to add features that look more like yours.  Will you add a mask?  If so, where will it cover the face?  Sketch it in too. Here is a brief review:

Day 3:   Begin to add the list from Day 1 as a background.  You can draw lines coming from the center of the page to the outside edges and write the text to fit in the space.  You should also begin adding color.  You can choose a color scheme you like.  Remember the coloring goals are ALWAYS:
  • Color evenly.
  • Mix colors.
  • Use a variety of values.
 Here is an example:

Notice I chose a COLOR SCHEME of browns and greens.  
Notice I thought about adding a mask, but then changed my mind.  
It is fine to change your plan as you go.  
Notice that I really focused on those coloring goals and filled my spaces.  

Day 4:  Finish your work and check these 4 project goals I will use to give you a grade.  Upload your work to Artsonia and answer the questions for the artist's statement you find there.
1. Proportions of the face are accurate and features resemble the artist.
2.  The artist met all 3 coloring goals.
3.  The artist communicated information about themselves through the words and how they are added to the picture.
4.  There is a clear color scheme, and it fits the themes and characteristics.  

4=A   3=B   2=C   1=D   0=F

UPLOAD  your work and write your artist's statement.  Copy this code, and follow the instructions on the link:  WCCP-WSTF


Stormy Seas Ahead

Rembrandt's Stolen Work, Christ in the Storm on the Sea of Galilee  My favorite new project this year was one I came up with when I was...