Thursday, May 21, 2020

Perspective Patterns

This week, you will practice using: 

  • one-point perspective 
  • value 
  • lines 
  • shapes 
  • patterns  

All of these art concepts will come together to make a really colorful, 3-D picture.  It is abstract, and the colors and patterns will make it seem happy and energetic.  We all need a little bit of happy energy these days!  I have added a sample photo, visual directions, and an instructional video.  I hope it is fun!  
Sample Project by Ms. Ammons
Your project goals will be:  (4=A, 3=B, 2=C, 1=D)

1. Perspective:  Did you connect all of your lines to one, central vanishing point?
2. Value:  Did you use darker values towards the vanishing point and lighter values next to the shapes?  
3.  Pattern:  Did you create even, repetitive patterns on your shapes?
4.  Craftsmanship:  Did you color evenly, blend colors smoothly, erase pencil lines, and outline carefully to make your work look neat and complete?

Don't forget to upload your work to Artsonia!  Code:  WCCP-WSTF

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