Friday, May 1, 2020

Desert Landscape

This week, we will learn to create a desert scene.  The landscape of the desert has inspired artists over time.   One of my favorite artists, Georgia O'Keeffe, actually lived in the desert so she could paint the scenes any time she wanted! For this project, you will review what you know about:
  • Warm and Cool Colors
  • One-Point Perspective
  • Value and Blending

Follow this schedule to pace yourself:

Monday:  Read the article, watch the video, and think about your own version.
Tuesday:  Create your sketch, and color your sky, focusing on value.
Wednesday:  Color your background hills, focusing on value.
Thursday:  Finish by coloring your cacti and road. Think of them as cylinders and using both value and perspective. Upload and Reflect on Artsonia:  

             Go to and enter WCCP-WSTF

Red Hills With Pedurnal, White Clouds, by Georgia O'Keeffe:  Notice how the mountains in the background are cool colors, and the hills in the front are warm colors.  She is using perspective!  Do you see different values in the red hills?

Read this short article about Georgia O'Keeffe:  

For written directions to this project, go to this link:
For visual examples and connections to our other lessons follow along with me in this video:

Don't forget to turn in your work on Artsonia!  Go to and enter WCCP-WSTF


  1. I have a question... What are we supposed to color in before Wednesday besides the sky? I forgot.


Stormy Seas Ahead

Rembrandt's Stolen Work, Christ in the Storm on the Sea of Galilee  My favorite new project this year was one I came up with when I was...