Thursday, May 21, 2020

Mystery Box

What makes opening a box so fun?  There is a feeling of wonder and curiosity when you are presented with a gift in a box.  Opening the box is a moment of surprise.  Many artists have painted boxes, and it is interesting to think that maybe it is because we all know that feeling of wanting to know what is inside.  It makes an interesting subject!  

Look at these paintings and think about what you notice:  
Rene Magritte
Wayne Thiebaud
John Waterhouse

Is the box open, closed or just partially open?  
How does that make you think differently about what is going on in the picture?  
What is the mood of each picture?  Is it spooky, fun or exciting?  
Why is there a box in each picture?  

This week, you will continue your study and practice of VALUE and PERSPECTIVE.  You will draw a box using one-point perspective, and you will create an imaginative scene that shows what is coming out of the open box.  You will add color, being sure to use value, to color evenly and to blend colors.  Consider a mood for your picture.  Will it be beautiful, scary, funny, strange or surreal?  You can choose the mood and how you will communicate it in your work. 
Sample Project, by Ms. Ammons
Project Goals:   (4=A, 3=B, 2=C, 1=D)
1. Perspective:  Did you use accurate one-point perspective?
2.  Value:  Did you show areas of light and dark, blending them carefully?
3.  Creativity:  Did you use unique ideas to communicate your mood?
4.  Craftsmanship:  Did you color evenly, blend colors, and erase stray pencil lines to make your work neat and complete?

Follow along in the video to do the project with Ms. Ammons:
Don't forget to upload your work to Artsonia!  Code:  WCCP-WSTF
Project Name:  Mystery Box

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