Wednesday, May 27, 2020


Sample Project by Ms. Ammons

Summer is getting so close!  I was inspired by my niece and her hunt for fireflies when I thought of this project.  Their lights in the night sky are sure signs of the summer season.

This week you will use the coloring skills we have practiced (even coloring, blended colors and value scales), and what you know about value and perspective, to create a night scene full of fireflies.   You will use lines, shapes, colors and patterns.  Follow along in the video, but feel free to make yours different!  

Project Goals:  (4=A, 3=B, 2=C, 1=D)
1. Value:  Did you use light, medium and dark values around each source of light?
2.  Perspective:  Did you show perspective by making each layer of grass lighter as you approach the horizon line and by making patterns grow smaller in the distance?  
3.  Coloring:  Did you blend colors and color evenly?
4.  Creativity:  Did you make independent choices and add details that make your work different?

Don't forget to upload your work to Artsonia!  Code:  WCCP-WSTF

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Ellipses and Cylinders

Our distance learning has had a continued focus on using VALUE and PERSPECTIVE in artwork.  This week, you will review ellipses and cylinders as you create a still life drawing using value and perspective. 

Sample Art by Ms. Ammons
Begin by studying these two paintings by Giorgio Morandi.  He is famous for painting still life paintings made up of simple forms found in everyday objects like cups, bowls and vases.  He focused on light and shadow to show how each object is shaped.  The VALUES he uses gives his work PERSPECTIVE and makes it look realistic.   

Look at the cylinders in his paintings.  Notice that the shadow on the inside of each container is on the opposite side than it is on the outside.  By reversing the value scale on the inside and outside of these containers, we can tell they are hollow.  

Look at the steps below and then watch the video.  You will draw three containers that are cylinders, and you will shade them with two opposite value scales.  

As you work this week, think about the project goals and check your work.  This week's goals are:
(4=A, 3=B, 2=C, 1=D)

1. Value:  Did I use a variety of values, from very light to very dark?
2.  Coloring:  Did I color evenly, blending colors and considering value?
3.  Form:  Did I create my cylinders carefully and symmetrically, focusing on ellipses that are aligned?
4.  Creativity:  Did I think of a creative way to add a black and white background to my project so that the finished product looks neat, complete and ready for display?

Don't forget to upload your work to Artsonia!  Code:  WCCP-WSTF

Austria: Gustav Klimt's Cat

Woman in Gold, by Gustav Klimt
Tree of Life, by Gustav Klimt
Gustav Klimt was born in Austria to a poor, immigrant gold engraver. His brother became a gold engraver like his father, and Klimt began painting murals and ceilings in buildings. He decorated his artwork with swirls and shapes that look like abstract patterns, but also make us think of nature.  He used a lot of gold in his artwork.  His style became famous, and it is called the Art Nouveau style.

Today, we will begin with a read-aloud about Gustav Klimt's cat!  Are any of you quarantined with a cat?  What do you think your cat would tell people about you if it could tell a story?  Watch this video to find out what Gustav's cat has to say about him:
Klimt and His Cat by Berenice Capatti

Next, watch this video to make a picture of a cat using colors, lines and shapes from Gustav Klimt's artwork!  These sample are from last year's class.  We will try an at-home version, so the materials will be a little bit different.  Use what you have!

Want more Gustav Klimt Art Projects? Additional Klimt-Inspired Projects
Don't forget to upload your work to Artsonia!  Code:  WCCP-WSTF

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Perspective Patterns

This week, you will practice using: 

  • one-point perspective 
  • value 
  • lines 
  • shapes 
  • patterns  

All of these art concepts will come together to make a really colorful, 3-D picture.  It is abstract, and the colors and patterns will make it seem happy and energetic.  We all need a little bit of happy energy these days!  I have added a sample photo, visual directions, and an instructional video.  I hope it is fun!  
Sample Project by Ms. Ammons
Your project goals will be:  (4=A, 3=B, 2=C, 1=D)

1. Perspective:  Did you connect all of your lines to one, central vanishing point?
2. Value:  Did you use darker values towards the vanishing point and lighter values next to the shapes?  
3.  Pattern:  Did you create even, repetitive patterns on your shapes?
4.  Craftsmanship:  Did you color evenly, blend colors smoothly, erase pencil lines, and outline carefully to make your work look neat and complete?

Don't forget to upload your work to Artsonia!  Code:  WCCP-WSTF

Mystery Box

What makes opening a box so fun?  There is a feeling of wonder and curiosity when you are presented with a gift in a box.  Opening the box is a moment of surprise.  Many artists have painted boxes, and it is interesting to think that maybe it is because we all know that feeling of wanting to know what is inside.  It makes an interesting subject!  

Look at these paintings and think about what you notice:  
Rene Magritte
Wayne Thiebaud
John Waterhouse

Is the box open, closed or just partially open?  
How does that make you think differently about what is going on in the picture?  
What is the mood of each picture?  Is it spooky, fun or exciting?  
Why is there a box in each picture?  

This week, you will continue your study and practice of VALUE and PERSPECTIVE.  You will draw a box using one-point perspective, and you will create an imaginative scene that shows what is coming out of the open box.  You will add color, being sure to use value, to color evenly and to blend colors.  Consider a mood for your picture.  Will it be beautiful, scary, funny, strange or surreal?  You can choose the mood and how you will communicate it in your work. 
Sample Project, by Ms. Ammons
Project Goals:   (4=A, 3=B, 2=C, 1=D)
1. Perspective:  Did you use accurate one-point perspective?
2.  Value:  Did you show areas of light and dark, blending them carefully?
3.  Creativity:  Did you use unique ideas to communicate your mood?
4.  Craftsmanship:  Did you color evenly, blend colors, and erase stray pencil lines to make your work neat and complete?

Follow along in the video to do the project with Ms. Ammons:
Don't forget to upload your work to Artsonia!  Code:  WCCP-WSTF
Project Name:  Mystery Box

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Austria: The Art and Architecture of Hundertwasser

Art by Friedensreich Hundertwasser

“A good picture is when the picture is full of magic, when you can feel the happiness in it, when it makes you laugh or cry, or when it makes something happen. It should be like a flower or a tree. It should be like Nature. It should be that we miss it when it isn’t there.” ~Hundertwasser

This week, we will read about AUSTRIA.  Begin by reading some facts about this country:

Next, watch this short video about an artist from Austria named Friedensreich Hundertwasser!

Sample Project by Ms. Ammons
Friedensreich Hundertwasser believed that nature and beauty were the keys to happiness. He loved nature and used natural themes in his artwork. Bright colors and shapes that make us think of nature (organic shapes) make his art seem very happy.  

This week, you will make a cheerful picture inspired by his art! 
Watch here!

Don't forget to upload your work to Artsonia!  Code:  WCCP-WSTF

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Open Doors

This week, we will continue our study of VALUE and PERSPECTIVE as we think about an interesting art theme:  DOORS.  Why would an artist draw a door?  What do doors mean to us?  What do we think of when we see a doorway?  Doors are an everyday object packed with meaning. Watch this short video by a curator from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.  He explains that doors can seem to invite or forbid

Watch here:  Doors, The Met

Next, look at these paintings by surrealist painter Rene Magritte.  Do they INVITE or FORBID?  Why?

Think about how you would draw these using perspective.  Both paintings use ONE-POINT PERSPECTIVE.  Where is the vanishing point in each one?  Also, look at the sky in each painting.  Notice that Magritte used VALUE to show that the horizon line is far away.  The value is lighter close to the horizon line.  

For your project, use what you know about perspective to draw an open door.  Use value as you add light and shadow to your door to make it realistic.  Then, be creative and show us what is behind your door.  Does your door invite or forbid?  How will you show this in your picture?  Use perspective and value in some way, to show there is depth and space behind your door.  
Sample Drawing by Ms. Ammons

PROJECT GOALS:  (4=A, 3=B, 2=C, 1=D, 0=F)
  • I used perspective accurately, using a single vanishing point on the horizon.  
  • I used a variety of values, coloring evenly and blending colors.
  • I made my door invite or forbid, and the viewer can tell which I chose!  
  • I used creative ideas to make my work unique.

Follow along in the video here for the lesson with Ms. Ammons if you need more direction.

Video won't work?  Just use these instructions:  How to draw a door.
Don't forget to upload your work to Artsonia!  Code:  WCCP-WSTF

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

England: Castles and Mazes

This is Bodiam Castle, one example of England's historic castles!

This week, we will continue to learn about ENGLAND by making some art.  Last week's project about London introduced you to some famous landmarks in a big city.  Outside the city, England has miles of beautiful countryside.  This space has lots of lovely farms, but there are also over 1,500 castles!  First, you will watch an Are We There Yet video with a castle and some mazes, hear a story about a castle, and then you will have the chance to create and share your own castle and/or maze!  

  • Then try to draw a MAZE!  You can invent your own, and be sure to decorate it creatively.  If you need help, you can use these directions:  How to Draw a Maze
  • Finally, create a castle with Ms. Ammons in this video that reviews lines, shapes, patterns and textures:  
Sample Castle by Ms. Ammons

Project Goals: 4=A, 3=B, 2=C, 1=D, 0=F
  • Strong Scissor Skills:  Careful Cutting
  • Two or More Textures
  • Creative Details
  • Color Variety

Want more?  Here are some extra links you can try:

Don't forget to upload your work to Artsonia!  Code:  WCCP-WSTF

Woven Colors

Sample Project by Ms. Ammons
This week, we will take a break from drawing, and we will use strips of paper to practice our weaving skills.  You will practice using color, pattern, contrast and balance.  You have all done weaving before, so it should be a review.  I will use magazine pages for the sample art, but you can also color or paint your own paper.

Just think of a time you have created an ABAB pattern.  To weave, the basic pattern is:  over (A), under (B), over (A), under (B).  Look at some of the examples of beautiful woven art, and then watch the video below to see how you can make a woven masterpiece at home!  


Project Goals:  4=A, 3=B, 2=C, 1=D, 0=F
  • Visual Balance
  • Contrasting Colors
  • Accurate Weaving
  • Creative Details

Upload your completed work to Artsonia!  

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Peter Max in Space

Sample Project by Ms. Ammons

Perspective creates space in artwork.  When you use a variety of values and commit to a vanishing point, the illusion of open space makes your work seem 3-D.  We will continue to practice value and perspective this week with new twist.  

Artist Peter Max is famous for his bright colors, and his images often have space elements like the sun or planets.  We will learn a little bit about this artist and his artwork, and we will make a project inspired by his colorful creations!

Begin by reading about all the things Peter Max has done.  It is so inspiring to see how his art has been enjoyed all over the world and by people from more than one generation!

Read here;

Now, watch this video and make a Peter Max art project with Ms. Ammons:

Upload your work to Artsonia!  


Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Illusion of Weaving

This project expands our use of value in art to create depth and perspective.  We will use value changes to show the layering of objects in a drawing.  

If one object goes behind another object in a picture, artists can add shadow to show this arrangement.  We will practice this as we create the illusion of weaving.  Study these images:
 In these two examples, I have used this technique to "weave"  
                                                                 branches and pipes.  

Ms. Ammons's Sample #1

Ms. Ammons's Sample #2

You will be creating a drawing of your own that uses optical weaving.  Watch the video for instruction, or read the directions in the link.  Focus on these four goals:


Instructions to draw pipes (just in case the video doesn't work for you!)

Upload your work to Artsonia!  


Tuesday, May 5, 2020

England: London Landmarks

This week, we will make art that shows some of the famous landmarks of London, England.  We will use lines, shapes, colors and patterns to create a drawing with collage details.  We will practice using lines to make something from real life, and we will practice our scissor skills as we cut out shapes from colorful paper.  
Sample Project by Ms. Ammons
Let's start by watching the "Are We There Yet" kids tour London in a short video.  Then, hear a read-aloud of the book The Queen's Hat, by Steve Antony.  As you watch and listen, be on the lookout for these London landmarks:  
Big Ben, Double-Decker Buses, The London Eye, Red Phone Booths, The Tower Bridge

Watch here:
Find the read-aloud here:

Now, watch this video to do an art project with Ms. Ammons:  

Want more art?  Here are some ideas.  You could also invent your OWN London art project.

To upload art, go to and enter WCCP-WSTF .  Select your child's name and the project London Landmarks!  

Friday, May 1, 2020

Colorful Cactus

This week, you will practice using 
value, color, lines and patterns 
to make a colorful picture of a cactus!  

Think of what we learned in the last few weeks as you work, and start to make connections between the projects.  Notice that in each project, we have used VALUE to make our work stronger.  To use value, it takes a lot of practice using your crayons and colored pencils to evenly blend colors.  
Ms. Ammons's Sample Project

Begin by watching this video for a review of value in art:  Click Here

Then, follow along in this video to learn how to do this week's art lesson:

To upload art, go to and enter WCCP-WSTF

Desert Landscape

This week, we will learn to create a desert scene.  The landscape of the desert has inspired artists over time.   One of my favorite artists, Georgia O'Keeffe, actually lived in the desert so she could paint the scenes any time she wanted! For this project, you will review what you know about:
  • Warm and Cool Colors
  • One-Point Perspective
  • Value and Blending

Follow this schedule to pace yourself:

Monday:  Read the article, watch the video, and think about your own version.
Tuesday:  Create your sketch, and color your sky, focusing on value.
Wednesday:  Color your background hills, focusing on value.
Thursday:  Finish by coloring your cacti and road. Think of them as cylinders and using both value and perspective. Upload and Reflect on Artsonia:  

             Go to and enter WCCP-WSTF

Red Hills With Pedurnal, White Clouds, by Georgia O'Keeffe:  Notice how the mountains in the background are cool colors, and the hills in the front are warm colors.  She is using perspective!  Do you see different values in the red hills?

Read this short article about Georgia O'Keeffe:  

For written directions to this project, go to this link:
For visual examples and connections to our other lessons follow along with me in this video:

Don't forget to turn in your work on Artsonia!  Go to and enter WCCP-WSTF

Stormy Seas Ahead

Rembrandt's Stolen Work, Christ in the Storm on the Sea of Galilee  My favorite new project this year was one I came up with when I was...