Thursday, January 30, 2014

Cubism and Music

Justin, Grade 3

Carlos, Grade 3

Aria, Grade 3

Andres, Grade 3

Elijah, Grade 3

Laura, Grade 3

Noah's grew and grew... right off the page.  He worked on the floor and found some alternative backgrounds.

One of Picasso's Many Guitar Paintings
     Mrs. Phares's third graders and Mrs. Bigby's second graders have been learning about Pablo Picasso and his artwork.  For their second project on cubism, the students began by looking at and discussing his painting titled Three Musicians.  I love having students tell me their thoughts on artwork, because they always notice things that I don't.  They studied it further by creating a collage of the composition.  This forced them to examine the shapes, lines and colors that are the foundation of the painting.  After the collaborative project, they looked at some of Picasso's paintings of guitars.  They pointed out that we can tell these abstract paintings are guitars because of a few clues including a circle in the middle, lines to make us think of strings or sheet music, and curvy lines of the guitar's body.  They went to work right away, using these "clues" in their own compositions.  I was blown away by what they were able to create.  Here are a few samples from the third grade class. 
Three Musicians, by Pablo Picasso

Giana, Wendy, Justin, Noah and Michael's Collaborative Collage

Jakyla, Grade 3

Keshawn, Grade 3

Giana, Grade 3
Kevin, Grade 3

Karla, Grade 3

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