Saturday, November 23, 2013

Good Morning and Goodnight!

Claude Monet's Rouen Cathedral Paintings
Kevin, Grade 3

Aria, Grade 3

Caylin, Grade 3

Giana, Grade 3
With the third grade students, I have been focusing on times of day and light.  They have looked at the work of Claude Monet, and they have found that he used opposite colors in the shadows of his paintings to keep colors vibrant and to add contrast.  They continued their study of skies and cloud effects by creating a watercolor painting for the background, and then they chose their favorite Chicago skyscraper for the foreground.  The buildings were brought to life with details that show opposite colors to the rest of the painting.  I am excited to see third graders using these color choices that seem unconventional.  They are really excelling with the projects based on Chicago landmarks.  They study Chicago history in social studies, so it connects to classroom learning.  They tell me every time they see a building they recognize.  In the fire drill yesterday, they got excited when they noticed the ad on the side of the bus stop in front of the school had a skyline image on it.  I hope that means they like the projects!

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