Saturday, February 13, 2021

Tales from Totems

This week, we will learn about the Native Americans of the Northwest.  These natives live near the coast, and in the mountains.  A lot of their art shows ocean or forest animals.  What animals do you see here? What shapes and colors do you see?

Tribes like the Haida tribe make animal art that is made of simple shapes, patterns and colors.  The animals often represent people, and they are used as characters in stories.  

If you were an animal, what animal would you be?  Why?

Some artists carve totems.  These tall poles include animal designs stacked one over the other.  They can tell a story of an important event, they can show the members of a family, or they can represent a tribe.  Have you ever seen a totem pole in Chicago?  There is one on the Lakefront Trail!  

Let's learn about totem poles, read about totem poles and MAKE a totem pole!  

Learn about totem poles HERE.

Hear a story about totems HERE.

Hear a story of a raven HERE.

Now let's watch Ms. Ammons and make our own totem pole!

Totems Made by Prescott First Graders

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