Friday, January 29, 2021

Busting Stereotypes with Betye Saar

Have you ever felt like people think they know you when they don't?  How do you feel when someone makes guesses about what you like, what you think, or how you do things that are completely wrong?  We are all unique, and sometimes it feels like a big insult when other people assume we are not.  

Let's start with a video:  What is a Stereotype?

Artist Betye Saar fights stereotypes through her art.  She takes images of stereotypes that are insulting and transforms them.  Look at these pictures of two of her art projects:   

What stereotype does she show us?

How does she change the stereotype?

What other images do you see in her projects, and what do they make you think?

Next, watch this video interview of Betye Saar!  

When you look at her artwork, you will notice common images:  Hands, Eyes, Windows, Doors, The Cosmos, Stereotypes, Memories, Treasures

  In this project, you will gather some images of your own.  You will reflect on stereotypes and your true identity.  You will then create an assemblage or collage that combats stereotypes and illustrates your identity.  

Watch this video lesson with Ms. Ammons to create your own stereotype-busting assemblage of your identity:

To turn in work, copy this code:  WCCP-WSTF

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