Saturday, April 25, 2020

Gumball Machine Value Study

In this project, you will use what you know about creating value scales to transform a circle into a sphere.  You will practice this skill as you draw and color a picture of a gumball machine!  

Three Gumball Machines, by artist Wayne Thiebaud
Begin by practicing shading a value scale on a circle.  Trace something circular from around your house.  Choose a spot on the top of the circle to be the spot where the light hits the sphere.  Draw a small circle, and then draw a few larger circles around that circle.  Shade these areas like you shaded your value scale last week.  Blend them with your finger or a paper towel.  Erase the highlighted area if the smudges made it too dark.  
Once you feel like you have had enough practice, follow along with me on this video to draw your gumball machine.  Don't forget to upload your completed work to Artsonia!

If you would like to read more about artist Wayne Thiebaud, who painted the painting Three Gumball Machines (above),  Read this!

To upload art, go to and enter WCCP-WSTF


  1. the link for Wayne Thiebaud doesn't work; it brings up a blank screen (Scarlet M)

    1. Maybe try one more time. It is working from my computer...


Stormy Seas Ahead

Rembrandt's Stolen Work, Christ in the Storm on the Sea of Galilee  My favorite new project this year was one I came up with when I was...