Sunday, January 29, 2017

4th Graders Gaining Perspective

Nate W. decided to add a city to the background, and to make his sky a complimentary color to the blue buildings.  It reminds me so much of an amazing adobe village painting he did in the first grade.  I love his detail work!
Prescott's 4th grade artists are impressing me with their drafting skills.  Perspective is a challenging concept for elementary students, but they are jumping right in as we learn about both one and two-point techniques.  This group of students is known for asking me, "Can we do it this way?"  I love how they are not afraid to come up with their own spin on the project.  It shows they are ready for a challenge.  After practicing a street scene with one-point perspective, they will be designing tree houses using two-point perspective.  They are drawing in pencil, tracing with sharpie markers, and then painting with watercolors.  This paint is a challenge in itself, but I see them turning mistakes into new ideas every day.  Daniel R.  made his sky "too dark" and was frustrated, but I then watched him play around with the paint until he had transformed his sky into a very creative thunderstorm.  Ermuun conquered the technique right away, and spent an entire week working in silent concentration.  As usual, I am proud  of them!
Ermuun caught on right away.  I like his cubist sky.
Martha designed a bird sanctuary. 
Maureen used bright colors in her painting.

Felipe's work has improved so much this year that each project he does amazes me!
Maleah, Grade 4

Yoli adds rainbow colors to whatever she creates.  This time, it's the side of her closest building!

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Working Together For Our School

Prescott artists are gearing up for the annual school auction. Each classroom is creating a collaborative painting to auction off as part of the school-wide fundraiser. Check out the first 5 completed paintings (and some of the artists at work) in the images below! Save the date, March 11, 2017 for the event. Event tickets ($40) and raffle tickets ($10) are on sale now through Prescott Parents.

Ms. Stefan's 3rd Grade Class completed a collage of Wrigley Field today.
Mrs. Lindsey's Kindergarten Class
Ms. Gow's 5th Grade Class Painting

Mrs. Bigby's Class Painting, Grade 2

Mrs. Blundy's Class Painting, Grade 2
Mrs. Phares's 3rd Grade Class

Ms. Szarnych's 4th Grade Class

Mrs. Stewart's 1st Grade (with some 4th grade help...)

Mrs. Kirshner's 1st Grade Class
Stephen found some circles to add to the 1st grade work.

Jillian and Austin are collaging the circles on top of the painted circle background.
Rylee and Leo are sewing the first rows of the 7-8th grade project.

Mateo, Haynes and Marco work on the kindergarten painting's background.
Bria and Avnita filling in fingerprints...

Jasmine and Leilani help with the background.

They added the dots with their fingerprints!

Messy fun...

Malacchi stencils stars.
Sheridan, Jair and Jayden add windows to Mrs. Phares's class painting.

5th graders at work:  Christa, Cindy and Leslie

Ian practiced the trees on paper before using sumi-e techniques to paint them on the canvas!

Zoe added clouds!

Friday, January 20, 2017

2017 Inaugural Ball

The middle school students celebrated the completion of their social studies and art projects as well as the inauguration of a new president today.  They have been learning about the Constitution, the election process and about expressing their opinions through various artistic mediums.

The 5th grade students were asked to write about what they would say at the inauguration if they were given the chance.  I then challenged them to paint their responses abstractly using only lines, shapes and colors.  At tonight's event, they taped their mouths and had guests view their work as they held it.  This performance-style piece gave students unique insight into how art can offer a voice to those who feel powerless.  I was so proud to see them use skills they have learned over the years that include color association, line, shape, balance, and basic brush technique to achieve their desired effects.  It was also fun to see them eager to tape their mouths shut...

Esteban, Grade 5, wrote about climate change and stopping pollution.

The 6th grade students completed collages based on the election topics they voted most relevant to their own lives.  They chose climate change, education, immigration and racial profiling.  I challenged them to consider layering and composition when collaging, rather than simply cutting and pasting relevant images.  They did an amazing job finding ways to use collage on alternative objects, as mosaic or mixing mediums.

Adrian Hurtado collaged passport and immigration document images before stenciling a home and the words "Let us in". 
Keshawn collaged images of education and opportunities around the word "think".
Aaliyah Salazar collaged words from her essay about immigration beneath a wall, representing people being blocked from opportunities.

Giana created a collage of tiny magazine papers that built an original composition showing the effects of climate change.
 Grades 7-8 had a variety of options.  Immigration, education, racial and gender equality, immigration and gun control/violence were the topics they chose.

Students in the immigration group created masks to represent immigrants.  They worked in plaster and painted their sculptures.  I asked them to interview immigrants or to research inspirational immigration stories.  They illustrated these stories on their work.
Danny interviewed classmates with family from India, Mexico and Russia, Ukraine and Ecuador

Students in the education group were creating a collage of images in a 3-D composition.  They were asked to build images coming out of a recycled book that represent ideas from their writing.  They created images of items important to an education, and they arranged them as though they were coming out of the book.
Amanda Hurtado, Grade 8
Students in the gun control group made memorials to victims of gun violence.  They chose their medium and format.  They memorialized victims they knew from the news or research, but some students had personal losses to honor.

Gabe, Grade 8

Lily, Grade 7

Zithlaly, Grade 7
Students in the racial and gender equality group created paintings to challenge a stereotype.  They created ad-style paintings with a slogan.  They used stencils, printmaking or stamping to create the messages, and they invented their own graphics.
Quin, Grade 7
I was so proud of their work.  They respected each other's opinions, they showed empathy for one another, they stood up for what they believe in, and they thought critically about tough topics.  Here are some pictures of our reception and show.
Gun Violence Memorial by Amir, Grade 8
Gun Violence Memorial by Kiyah, Grade 8
Captive Audience
Kevin on Education Reform

Olivia on Gender Equality

Andres and his dad reading about Climate Change/ Alternative Energy

Live Entertainment!  Rylee and the Redhots!

Dance Party in the Photo Booth Area...

Chris checking out Danny's work...
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton wigs available in the photo booth!

Students Enjoying the Band

Gun Violence Memorial by Monica, Grade 7

Stormy Seas Ahead

Rembrandt's Stolen Work, Christ in the Storm on the Sea of Galilee  My favorite new project this year was one I came up with when I was...