Friday, December 14, 2012

My Kind of Town, Chicago is...

Danny's City
Marlon's City

Sarah's City

Maryann's City

Marlon adds stars to his sky.
Ms. Orrico's 4th and 5th graders got to build a city this week.  They had learned about Chicago architecture in their snowglobe project, but I wanted them to begin to think of scenes in layers.  When they begin painting after break, it will be helpful for them to recognize background from foreground.  In this project, they used cut paper to make each layer of their scene.  They used foam spacers to make the layers seem 3-D, and they used glitter and gel pens to add details and to make their work unique.  Hopefully they learned some facts about our city, and hopefully they will carry their knowledge of layers into the upcoming projects.

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