Wednesday, January 28, 2015

First Grade Foxy Snow Scenes

Elyza, Grade 1

Jamie, Grade 1

Alexis, Grade 1

Elyza, Grade 1

Jair, Grade 1

Bella, Grade 1

Sydney, Grade 1

Sydney, Grade 1

Alexis, Grade 1
The first grade art students got to try out oil pastels this week.  They created a background snow scene with trees using tempera paint, learning to use a flat brush for large areas and a round brush for details like trees.  When these were drying, the students looked at several pictures of foxes, finding shapes and colors that would help them draw one on their own.  I showed them how pastels layer, making them different from crayons, and then I challenged them to add some foxes to their snow scenes.  They did a great job drawing, they all looked different, and they really got into layering the pastels!  Several are on display in the hallway.  Check them out if you are at the school this week!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Lighting Up our City with 3-D Skylines

Ally, Grade 3

Paloma was the first one finished!

Small foam cubes were used as "spacers" between the layers.

Ian, Grade 3

Ayden, Grade 3

This year, we used oil pastels rather than gel pens.  I like this option best because they can really mix colors.

Tamia, Grade 3

Adding the Ferris Wheel to Navy Pier!
The third graders are learning all about Chicago in Social Studies.  In art, we have been learning about some Chicago landmarks like Cloud Gate (aka "the Bean") Navy Pier, The Watertower, and our famous skyscrapers.  Students brought the city to life in this project, turning their 2-D drawings into a 3-D scene.  They learned about relief sculptures, mixing colors with oil pastels, background/foreground, finding lines in compositions, and they know some facts about the architecture of Chicago!  One student even researched at home to find out what the "Diamond Building" is called... They did some writing about their favorite building when they were finished.  I love this project, and have done it twice now.  This time we switched to using oil pastels, and I liked it much better than the gel pens we used before.  They are much more colorful, and students were talking about color choice, making sure to not mix warm and cool and considering contrast, as they worked rather than fighting over the shiny pens.  These are on Artsonia and also on display in the Multi-Purpose room at Prescott.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Kids Inspired by Klimt

Gustav Klimt, Tree of Life
Mrs. Blundy's 2nd graders are painting swirls and collaging patterned shapes this week as they create a Klimt-inspired painting.  They are working on 8x10 inch canvases that will be auctioned off at this year's Prescott Auction.  The auction will be at The Crossing on March 6th.  Come bid on one of these playful trees.  Here are a few of the 2nd grade interpretations:

Sam, Grade 2

Lauren, Grade 2

Maleah, Grade 2

Elizabeth G, Grade 2

Dylan, Grade 2

Daisy, Grade 2

Monty, Grade 2

The Veggies Take on the Sweets in this Year's Auction

My Sample Project for the Students
It's time to get ready for the annual Prescott Auction!  Each year, this event raises money for our entire school community.  Last year's auction helped provide the art room with some much-needed file drawers for student artwork, and many other teachers received valuable resources.  We all feel lucky to have such great parent and community support.  This year, each student is donating a work of art to the auction.  The third and fourth graders have been creating designs for some fun aprons that will be auctioned off.  I chose the theme "Veggies vs. Sweets" because I thought it would get the kids talking about healthy food choices, and I thought the parents would have fun seeing which group their student chose for their theme.  It was split fairly evenly!  They used fabric crayons and were asked to color with a lot of pressure, to mix colors, and to outline their work.  This helped ensure the iron-on would work and the apron would look its best.  We have some parent volunteers who will iron them on in time for the auction.  Come bid on an apron at the auction!  It will be March 6th at The Crossing.  Here are a few samples of what you'll see...

Giana, Grade 4

Stephanie, Grade 4

Karla, Grade 4

Sean, Grade 4

Kiarie, Grade 4

Dory, Grade 4

Aria, Grade 4

Stormy Seas Ahead

Rembrandt's Stolen Work, Christ in the Storm on the Sea of Galilee  My favorite new project this year was one I came up with when I was...